That little lunatic!

Luna is SUCH a rascal. My dad is down here for a nap, so I can be writing here for like, two hours. There's one of our couches, a red one, that is short enough for Luna to jump on. Let me tell you a funny story about that couch.
 So it was last Thursday, I think, and it was just Luna and me down here. I set her down in her area and went over to the piano to set up. HOWEVER, Luna jumped up on the red couch. I was fine with that. But you know how couches have that one wall that you can just lean on, so they're not just glorified stools? Well, on our red couch, that wall is short enough for Luna to get onto when she's standing on the couch. So she gets up on the pillows. And I'm fine with that.
 BUT THEN, that little rascal jumps down from there! I put her back in the area, and she jumps back up. We repeat this, like, four times before I pull the pillows down, basically adding more height to the couch cushions so she can't get up there.
 So today, the pillows are down, and she can't get up there.
 But then, I was getting on my computer to do stuff, but then my dad called me over.
 And she was on the couch, staring out.
 And I asked my dad, "How did she get up there?"
 He replied, "She leaped."
 I told you we have a crazy dog.


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