Weird Greek Names Continued

It's self-explanatory, especially if you read my last post. Basically, I'm making a list of weird Greek names, pronunciations, and trying to spell them. Etc., etc.

  1. teer-ahnz - Tyrans - Tiryns
  2. sair-eh-nee-uhn hynd - Serenian Hind - Ceryneian Hind
  3. yehr-iss-thee-us - Eurystheus - Erystheus
  4. am-fih-tree-yun - Amphitreon - Amphitryon
  5. alk-mee-nee - Alcmene - Alcmene
  6. if-ih-kleez - Iphicles - Iphicles
  7. stym-fay-lee-un behrdz - Stymphalian Birds - Stymphalian Birds
  8. hes-pair-ih-deez - Hesperides - Hesperides
  9. ehl-ek-tree-yun - Electryon - Electryon
  10. ee-jee-yis - Aegeus - Aegeus
  11. ee-thruh - Aethra - Aethra
  12. pit-thee-us - Pittheus - Pittheus
  13. crum-mee-oh-nee-uhn sow - Crummionian Sow - Crommyonian Sow
  14. fay-uh - Phaea - Phaea
  15. pahl-ehn-tee-deez -Palentedes - Pallantides
  16. hek-uh-lee - Hekale - ???


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