How to enter 'Creeper Vision'

To enter 'Creeper Vision,' you need to first enter Spectator Mode. On the PC/Mac, you can type in the command /gamemode sp, /gamemode 3, or /gamemode spectator. You can also access Spectator Mode by dying in a Hardcore world. Once in Spectator Mode, you can fly around and through any block, although you cannot affect the world in any way. When you focus on any mob except the Ender Dragon, the white plus in the middle of your screen will appear. Left-click and you will enter that mob's vision. The most interesting vision is that of a creeper's, which is green and pixelated, although it does stand still for long periods of time, making this kind of boring. In the Mo' Creatures mod, a fun creature to 'enter' is the bird.

I hope this showcase helped you figure out how to 'enter' mobs yourself.
      - Hollydove


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