Weird Greek Names
Ever read Greek mythology? Here, I'll write the pronunciation, how I think it is spelled, and how it is really spelled like this: pro-nun-see-ay-shun - pronunciation - pronunciation. dee-uh-ny-ruh - Deanira - Deianira i-ole-ee - Iole - Iole ah-trair-uh - Otrera - Otrera hi-pawl-ih-tuh - Hippolyta - Hippolyta i-oh-lay-us - Iolais - Iolaus hi-paw-nuh-meez - Hipponomes - Hipponomes uh-kill-eez - Achilles - Achilles syr-een - Syrene - Cyrene ah-theh-muss - Athemus - Athemas fricks-us - Frixus - Phrixus hel-uh - Hela - Helle ee-no - Ino - Ino dah-nuh-ee - Danae - Danaƫ Alright, that's all I can add for now. I'll add a new post continuing this later!